2010年5月30日 星期日

Project 2-Unit201.2-Field Study Centre

Project Brief

We are asked to design a study centre for school childrean 8-11. The centre is a place that school group vivis to study the environment and to investtigate historial buildings and their cultural and enviromental context.

The site
This project is located at the weald and Downland Museum at Singleton West Sussex and the site forms part of the 50-acre open air museum and is set amongst the rolling chalk hills of the South Downs. The area chosen for the location of your building has beenm set to the South East of the site on a steep slope with wonderful views looking north and west and with broad leaf deciduous trees to south. The location of buildings will be influenced by the specific context including topography, mirco climate , orientation, prevailing winds, sun path, views, landscaping proposals. You are therefore to consider how the building relates to the sensitivity of its context, to educational objective and function, and to the requirements of the site.

Site vist sketches

Site Analysis

Site model

Study Centre's Concept
First planning diagram

3 Zones-Offices, Accommodation & Washing area

Conceptual sketches

Two buildings with a courtyard in the middle that seprates the two. Two buildings frame an exquisite view of the site. There is one floor in the basement ( activity centre-3classrooms) and two above it on the accommodation building. And the receipe is in one level.

Salk insititute, La Jolla, California

Roof Plan

Basement Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan

First Floor Plan

2010年5月29日 星期六

Project one-Unit 201.1-Paradigm project

Project brief:

Design a 'complement' to the poject beigs studied in our group-a 'piece', a 'thing' an ;item'-within the context of the project's location. it may or may not have an obvious finction but it must be purposeful.

It must also:

  • employ the devices you have identified in the "host" project
  • provides shelter and/or enclosure
  • work with the landscape in which it is set
  • consider materiality, surface and texture
  • occupy a volume no less than 8 and no more than 125m

The Archtect whose work is studied in our group : Alvar Aalto- Maison Louris Carre

Design Device:
The plan of villa louis carre can be arranged as an abstract conhesion of retangles.

The horizontal axis is in a cccordance with the topography and the roof slope.
While the vertical ones mark the 3 main zones that determine the house's orientation.
And the house is divided into 3 zones: Private, Public and semi public.

Use of Local Material

The house Masion Louis Carre is now owed by the Association Alvar Aalto and open for public to visit. So i want to design serices of sitting components for visitors to set down and understanding the design device of the house.

The components:
Overlap cube seats inside the cylinder.
Cube seats represent the spatial divison
Cylinder is like the landscape

My own site model

My design model
