We are asked to design a study centre for school childrean 8-11. The centre is a place that school group vivis to study the environment and to investtigate historial buildings and their cultural and enviromental context.
The site
This project is located at the weald and Downland Museum at Singleton West Sussex and the site forms part of the 50-acre open air museum and is set amongst the rolling chalk hills of the South Downs. The area chosen for the location of your building has beenm set to the South East of the site on a steep slope with wonderful views looking north and west and with broad leaf deciduous trees to south. The location of buildings will be influenced by the specific context including topography, mirco climate , orientation, prevailing winds, sun path, views, landscaping proposals. You are therefore to consider how the building relates to the sensitivity of its context, to educational objective and function, and to the requirements of the site.
Site vist sketches
Site Analysis
Site model
Study Centre's Concept
First planning diagram
3 Zones-Offices, Accommodation & Washing area
Conceptual sketches